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  • General: Comments? Questions? Suggestion on how to make SneakerLeaks better or just have a general inquiry about the site? Use the form below to let us know;
  • Advertising: we offer traditional banner/pre-roll advertising, branded video/editorial content sponsorship, and other marketing opportunities. For ad sales and other business development opportunities, please visit the advertising contact page and give us info about your campaign, targets, goals and budget;
  • Press & Editorial: have you got a news tip to share? Use the form below to ensure that our news editors receive your tip for consideration. Please be as descriptive with your tip as possible. If needed, we will contact you regarding your submission with any questions we may have.

    SneakerLeaks Engagement Policy

    SneakerLeaks values its relationships with all our consumers worldwide and those we collaborate with to bring you exciting content on a daily basis. We also take very seriously matters involving cyber-security so we can continue to protect you, our collaborators and our brand. With that in mind, it is very important to note that we do not engage in the practice of solicitation or phishing. Any correspondence to you from our company should have an official email address ending in Any emails you receive without these designations from persons claiming to be an employee, representative or partner of Spiffy, Lda. are fraudulent and very likely being used in furtherance of a scam to obtain your personal information, or even in some cases, your money. We are committed to fully investigating and taking aggressive legal action against any person or persons posing as an employee of our company or misrepresenting themselves as a partner of ours to deceive you. This includes pursuing criminal charges against such people. If you are the recipient of any such email, please report it to us immediately. We appreciate your help in making sure that SneakerLeaks remains a safe digital environment for all to enjoy.

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